Monday, August 4, 2014

5 Easy Steps to Being Organized

Hey Guys! It's me Violet, and in this post I will be sharing some tips with you about how to be organized...and how to stay that way! ( :

  1. Sort your junk! Find enough plastic storage bins or other boxes to store your stuff, then divide the "junk" into two (or more depending on how many boxes you have) piles. One pile should be for garbage and the rest of the piles should be for each of your containers.
  2. Use labels! Once you've sorted your miscellaneous items into containers, you will want to be able to locate your items next time you need them. Make labels simply by using a label maker, or cut out small pieces of paper and write things like "Art Supplies" or "Hair Accessories" on them.
  3. Put away your clothes! Clothes and shoes are the main thing that clutter up my bedroom, so make sure that you try to clean up/put away your clothes ASAP. Have a designated place to put dirty laundry when your done wearing it. When you get dressed or change clothes, put away the dirty clothes or the clothes you decided not to wear in the right place instead of tossing them on the floor.
  4. Put the same item back in the same place every time you clean up or put something away. If you do this, you will most likely be able to remember where you put something. If you change the location of an object every time you put it away, it is less likely that you will be able to find it easily the next time you need it.
  5. Make lists and schedules! Using a planner can help you keep track of the small tasks that you have to complete as well as bigger events. I use a "Green Room" planner. For each month, it shows you an overview of the complete month, then of each week. There is also a section for notes with each month.

Those were all of my tips to being organized. Hope this post helped you!

10 Things to do when you're with your Friends

  1. Go to the pool
  2. Make a music video
  3. Make a fort and watch a movie
  4. Do a DIY together, one of our favorite youtube channels is DazzleDIY, she has so many great ideas! Here is a link to her channel 
  5. Go shopping
  6. Do each-other's hair
  7. Do blind-folded makeovers
  8. Make a youtube video
  9. Play a video game
  10. Sit and chat